Kim Walters Choices – Think Pink Logo – circa 2013
Choices had been a small but regular part of my life for many years, initially with the Kim Walters Choices Program and Think Pink – do you remember this logo?
I was 41 when my doctor said those words
“you have invasive Ductal Carcinoma”
that was Tuesday, 11th June, 2013 at approximately 2:36pm
Choices offered me the choices I needed to get me through this “journey”’… I knew I needed to find external support of some sort.
I have been lucky…

The day the hair came off – What better way to celebrate, than morning tea with friends to raise money for Choices – Aug 2013
I have an extremely supportive husband and two beautiful children. I didn’t want to worry my family, any more than they already were, with all my anxieties and fears. Choices offered me support I could rely on and not only provided me, but my family with the backing we needed.
The Wesley Choices Support Program was that lifeline…
- I needed to feel somewhat normal – the “Look Good, Feel Better” workshop and free wig hire services helped to provide me with the outwardly means;
- I needed understanding and a place to escape – the peer support network was always there with a comforting ear;
- The information events – all have been priceless.